

DrXbowman #Fun Talk

General Fun

5 items to fight the Apes If you can read this you are a survivor of the basilmarket zombie apocalypse. Congrats, but we have a much larger force at our hands. Apes! There will be a Rise of the Planet of Apes on August 5th. We survivors must prepare. I have fortified a Costco with a bulk of food and water and other supplies with my connections to Mr. Toli. We must decide on what weapons and defenses we will use to fight off the apes. Our A.P.E Team 6 will lead a resistance, but the rest of us will hide back at Costco. With my research, most of us will have to fight from long range on the roofs because the apes are extremely strong. The only way to kill them is to blind them by striking both of their eyes. The A.P.E team six will lead a clos

General Fun

Creative home-made traps for intruder A 7 foot tall, 42 year old, obese, but muscular man is breaking into your second floor window through the bathroom. He is armed with a baseball bat. However, you anticipated this event for many days. Instead of posting what weapons you have to fight or scare him away, what home made trap have you created to trap the intruder? It does not have to be original, but originality is better. I'll rate them and post them if I have time. I have an oily and slippery floor with a bunch of space out 4 inch nails sticking out from the floor. ( I am not that creative )

General Fun

Scenario: You are trapped in a corner, with a fast spreading fire that is coming towards you and will start to roast you in a matter of seconds. There is no escape because the room is full of fire and you are trapped by brick walls. You don't have anything to put the fire out. What do you do? I would probably close my eyes, look away from the fire, and curl up into a ball praying, while screaming for the invisible hope. Try to really picture this scenario with the fire and everything coming towards you with the flames and heat. It is scary if you picture it well.