
C/d Maplestory would be better if provided just as much or more experience/hour than solo training, or training in otherwise infamously efficient spots (such as Twisted Jesters, or LKC).

[i]For those unaware, C/D is short for "confirm/deny"[/i]

February 6, 2013

3 Comments • Newest first


I'm getting a sinking suspicion that the Basilmarket community is not used to C/D topics...

Reply February 6, 2013

If people could sell any NX item they buy in a shop.

Reply February 6, 2013

You can hardly compare LKC to a PQ. I explicitly didn't want to make my personal opinion evident in the OP because I just wanted to generate discussion, but "being in a party" a party-quest does not make.

Reply February 6, 2013