

DuhWinning #General Talk


Potential Bug with Bonus Potential First: Do you see what I did with the title? >be me >only have 900 NX and perfect emp knuckle >go into CS to get 370NX bonus pot scroll >buy the scroll >go back to MS to use it on mmy knuckle >Maple craps itself and says "cannot be used on this item" >check to make sure knuckle has no bonus potential >no bonus potential found >try again >same thing >Scroll says can be used on items without bonus potential wat do?


What to do now? Need advice Hey Basilers, I present to you today a dilemma. I am becoming very bored with maple. I have gotten into the top 20 players in GAZED, I have a lvl 200 that hits cap, I have completed almost every quest on my lvl 200. I am quitting my bucc to work on my DB but noone wants bucc gear so I am having trouble funding it. I am stuck in the 150-155 lvl range on my DB and training is slow and boring, I cannot find any good leechers or anyone who will help me. I am too poor to get %luk atm for my DB. Long story short, what should I do to fund my DB and get it to 200 quickly? I have 1b in pure mesos and 23b in items. Thanks in advance

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