

East #Shade Talk

General Shade

Thoughts on Hunter x Hunter episode 136? This is a thread for those who have already seen the episode. Anyways, title. Discussion. I thought this ep was great although I think most eps feel short b/c of all the explaining. -Humans v Ants war thing is officially over. Finally. -I was so tired of it and like what happened to the other 2 main characters(blonde dude and tall guy). Haven't seen them so long I forgot their names. -Hopefully Killua goes out and recruits them to save Gon or w/e -Much feels when Reina wanted to bring back Brovada. I thought Reina was Komugi at first with a different head -Kite reincarnated or something? Was excited when I heard the girl called herself Kite -Supporting Gon's dad to be the next Chairman.