

EatNow #Chat Talk

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To mentally challenged party members. Got some things I need to get off my chest. Before I do, I'd like to say that I own every type of character so I know what most people think. From this point on, don't assume I'm making prejudice remarks about certain jobs. Note that I will be talking about Lhc, as it is the place people stay at for like 99% of the time to level 200. Alright, first thing I'd like to say is: do your job. Heroes should rage Bishops should heal/bless/HS Wh/bm/mm should SE DrKs should HB Thieves should haste Buccs should SI... [b]Those that do not have party buffs USUALLY are high dpm classes and should attack as their contribution[/b] ......... You get the picture. So, how long does it take to cast those said buffs? Like 1

General Chat

The church ruined your lives In the past, the church has restricted new ideas and technology. I think they were doing this for about a 1000 years? In those 1000 years, we could have invented new things and have advanced. If the church didn't exist (Christianity mainly) we would probably be playing MS in our virtual reality game console that is cheap for everyone, have flying cars, cures to many many diseases like cancer and aids. That is just the beginning of the list. I hope you're proud of yourselves, god-believers. Because of you, I have to live this primitive life which could have been a much greater one.

General Chat

What do you think of fat people I personally think it's disgusting. I see them walking around (wow) with shins that are thicker than my thighs, Taking 2 airplane seats; 1 butt cheek each seat, Farting every couple of meters, Eating a portion of food for a small family each meal, Folds everywhere from head to toe literally, Heavy, labored breathing, Etc etc Working out isn't difficult. It's just that some people are too lazy. Seriously, I shouldn't be calling out, BOOMA! every couple of meters. Such an eye sore... Edit: forgot to add in a crucial description. Don't forget those triple/quadruple chins!

General Chat

Why do people still go to church. Im a buddhist and this concept of worship is strange and foreign to me. I really don't get the exact reason(s) why people still go to church. Is God someone a bearded old man dressed in white with a long flowing beard floating in the sky? I don't know. This is what someone i hated told me. I find too many people believe the above point and is starting to annoy me. I mean, does that even make sense? Does He even listen to your prayers? Who/what is He? Why do some people pray yet get the short end of the stick? if there is a hell, why do only humans go there? What happened to all the animals in the world? These are just a small portion of the questions I have with this religion. What I want to know is... Why

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