

Effy #Chat Talk

General Chat

All about piercings What piercings have you had/do you have/want/dislike/plan on getting? This thread is all about piercings, because I honestly love them! I've had lip rings on both sides before, my nose pierced with a ring, too. And now my septum is the only one I have left! I also used to have my ears stretched to 12mm or 16mm. I don't really like eyebrow piercings, they don't suit everyone. And definitely not the one on the upper lip, I really dislike it. My favorite would have to be a septum, bridge, or just a simple nose ring! :)

General Chat

What's your new years resolution? First of all, happy new years everyone! (it may not be January for some of you guys yet, but anyway.) Since it is a new year, i was wondering what your resolutions for 2011! Is there something you really want to do/accomplish by the end of the year? Mine are: To meditate (almost) every night before bed, and don't get as angry/upset at things. L= To exercise a lot more, just to get in shape again! ~I don't really think there's anything else, being happy and fit is really all. =]]. What are yours?

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