

EnvyMe #Chat Talk

General Chat

why do people believe in change? I've been wondering for quite some time now, pondering it restlessly whenever anything comes close to reminding me of it, and I just have to know. Whenever I think about it, I'm glad I'm smart, life is easy with my brain, and more convenient with what other people have created with theirs. I always think about the future, and with my smarts, and a ton of hard work, I know I can excel in this world, but then someone, somewhere, either at my school, or on the news, by a criminal or a government, always manages to do something so atrocious that it just makes me want to obliterate them all, and I always get so angry, but when I look around, everyone is always laughing about it, joking endlessly, like they're com

General Chat

Anyone play "Cafe World?" I'm really pathetic and play this stupid game on facebook called cafeworld >.<" does anyone one else play it? because I need help. I don't know how to keep my buzz ratting up when I'm away, because when I'm not there, people want drinks (coffe+wine er w/e), and when I don't give them it, my buzz rating goes down, and in order for me to give them drinks, I need to be there AND click on them, and it also takes energy to make coffe (the bar at the top) which takes forever to get. Now can someone please tell me how I can open my store when I don't have coffe and wine without decreasing my buzz rating, or if it's okay for my buzz rating to drop to 0?