

Attn good LoL players, I need your help

Ok so.

I started playing like a month ago and i'm really bad. My Elo is 1239 (from 1 ranked game) and I just don't feel good enough to Elo grind. Do any of y'all have any tips on how to improve?

I usually play ADC and my mains are Graves, Ezreal, Corki, and Ashe.

January 1, 2013

8 Comments • Newest first


[quote=EvasiveTony]ADC in solo queue is only good if you duo with a support. As an ADC you pretty much rely 100% on your support to either help you get kills, or to help sustain you in lane. If you have a bad support, you won't get very far. If you want to get better, you really just have to play the game. It's one of those "If you get beat enough, you'll learn how to take a beating" sort of things. Or you could just play Darius and get pentas every game.

Edit: If you ever want to duo, I play a decent Alistar/Blitzcrank support (Although blitz is always banned...) Add me if you feel like it, ign: KidHuddler[/quote]

Learned this the hard way.

Reply January 1, 2013

[quote=killer523]I would recommend watching Wingsofdeathx's stream if you want to watch streams, alot of helpful commentary.[/quote]

WOD plays tops.
Watch I AM LOD for how to play AD carries x)
watch carefully to what he does.

Reply January 1, 2013

-To improve as a ADC, you need good communication w/ your support. Supports make big differences in lanes.
-You need to know what counters what, if the support can counter you easily, if adc can counter you easily.
-Know when to commit for kills, poke your opponent and harass them constantly.

This is all pretty general knowledge, just know when to commit or not.

A Good ADC to watch is TSM Chaox on

Reply January 1, 2013 - edited

Best way to train is get yourself to 800 elo then star climbing.

Reply January 1, 2013 - edited

If you're bad, then just play more games, preferably with different champs and different lanes.

Experience is everything in LoL.

Reply January 1, 2013 - edited

[quote=ImFalling]As a 1595 elo player ill tell u 1 thing.. stick to one role, and when you don't get it, dodge, or make others dodge.[/quote]

Completely ignore this guy.

But in all seriousness, watch streams, watch tournaments and most important of all just keep playing.

Reply January 1, 2013 - edited

If you are playing ranked then you need to learn how to play all roles so learn that.

Reply January 1, 2013 - edited