FallenGhost #Phantom Talk

General Phantom

Phantoms worth playing? / I've bet everyone has seen 10958109283091 of these threads, but I just wanna ask, are they REALLY worth playing? All the classes are unbalanced nowadays, and phantom's are so low in DPS since the nerf, and when unlimited comes, and even hypers, they will look so bad :/ Mille is fast of course compared to some other classes, but it's really slacking in comparison to AB, Lumi (Spectral), Gigas Wave, IR, etc.. Don't get me wrong, it's a really fun job, and I don't mean to be a damage wh0re, but seriously, Nexon gives Phantom no love T_T >.<

General Phantom

Loveless or Empress Cane Wow... I've been thinking about this for a while.. I have currently 980m available, (enough to afford Loveless Persona) so which do you guys recommend? Loveless looks ugly since it's just a Timeless/Reverse Persona with 30 more att, and the Raven Horn Crimson Cane looks cooler, also. It may have 131+/- wpn. atk, but you get the +30 atk and +30% boss damage from the set effect, so which one to pick?~? o.o I personally like the Crimson Cane more, but my guildy believes that since Dojoing doesn't allow set effects, that apparently a Loveless Persona would be better, but as I said before, aesthetic wise, the Emp Cane wins right there, 9 atk doesn't really make a difference that much, soo...