

Fcroaonlk #General Talk


12 days of Christmas magazine offer Hey, during the 12 days of christmas thing, I signed up for the free trial for the magazines and can't find out who I bought it from and need to cancel my subscription, or else I'll endlessly be paying for something. Please don't comment with "wow ur dum" or other such things. I'd really appreciate any help. It was day 9, for 9563 nx. Yes I've tried clicking on it. Yes I've tried googling it. Yes I've tried asking my guild. No I didn't find out what it was. Please help.


Maplestory without NX Need song ideas Hey, everyone. I'm writing another Maplestory song about how Maple is "Free to Play" but not really, but I'm having trouble thinking of all the in-game content you need NX for. Here's what I have so far. Ideas would be much appreiciated. In the end, however, I'm not complaining, but it's a tongue-in-cheek song and meant to have some truth in it. Cubes Clothes Weddings (Amoria PQ) AutoPot Pet attack equips SP/AP reset Store Permit Item lock DB/Evan skills SoK Gachapon Pam's Song Shielding Ward Wheel of Destiny Safety Charm Miu Miu (for stars) Smegas


Calculator When to use AEE and EE and Wards Here’s a calculator I made that can calculate the best decision (probability-wise) based on the prices of AEE’s, EE’s, Shielding Wards, and your item. Assumptions: 1) After 10 failed enhances, you stop. This was meant to simplify calculations and will only cause marginal error for the later enhances. The user is allowed to alter the “Penalty” in the input section. If this doesn’t make sense to you, leave it alone. 2) The user has an endless supply of said item (if this were not true, it would be better to always use shielding wards.) 3) The user has a way of transferring NX (for shielding wards) to Mesos (for calculations). Thus the “price” of a shielding ward is in Millions of Mes


{Song} Noob Troupe - Mano Edition MelliMelon of Bellocan here, (of Resonance!). As some of you know, I write songs and make Maplestory videos. The next video is up! Highlighting the Resonance guild of Bellocan, this edition of Noob Troupe comes with an... interesting song, and a guide on how to pwn Mano! Think you're pro? This guide might help you anyway! View it [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K3p1t-RUjnA]here[/url] Or listen to a higher quality downloadable version [url=http://tindeck.com/users/JZ+Wafflemelon]here[/url]. Facts: -The song is an original composition by me, MelliMelon. I wrote the lyrics, wrote the instruments, and mixed/edited the video (though some of the video was recorded by Pasquinshy). The voices are all me, also,


Expected long-term profit of work glove scrolling Here is an article written that demonstrates and explains in highly descriptive mathematical terms both the optimal way to scroll a work glove (using only 60%s) and the expected long term payoff using elementary probability and dynamic programming. For the curious, interested, or mathematical minds. Note: there is some complicated math in this paper and even with the attempt to clarify, know that not everything will be clear. Enjoy and Happy Mapling! ;pid=explorer&chrome=true&srcid=0B1IXp6jlhVz9ZjgzOWVhZTEtYWNkZS00NDNiLWFmZDAtYzA0M2ZiNjIyYTIx&hl=en Note: The link looks weird, but if you click on either part it should work.


Maplestorys Girlfriend Music Video MelliMelon [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KzolNCb3AxI]Maplestory's Girlfriend[/url] Hey everyone, I wanted to share this song and video that I wrote that my girlfriend sang. If you like it, let me know! I appreciate your thoughts. Also, if you DIDN'T like it, or if there was something you didn't like, please let me know! Constructive criticism is how we improve. Thanks! EDIT: I'm getting a lot of negative comments. I guess this kind of "silliness" is not for everyone. Sorry if I have "pained" anyone. EDIT2: As opposed to [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UcUVKSJjaYQ]Fleyx Stalker[/url] (which I also wrote 0.o) Note: the following are not acceptable criticisms and will be ignored: