

Fcroaonlk #Regions Talk

General Regions

New Maple Set Effect While Purchasing items with silver coins, I discovered something surprising. When I equipped the Maple Hat (level 90), Earring (70), Cape (70), and Shine Wand (64), I got [url=http://img130.imageshack.us/img130/9277/maplestoryt201104221551.png]this[/url] groovy set effect. Oddly enough, the effect also worked with a Maple Glory Sword (64), but not with a Maple Sword (35 I believe), or a Maple Pyrope Staff (77). Even odder, when I equipped a Maple Gage (level 13 glove) the set effect was reversed. See the reverse [url=http://img692.imageshack.us/img692/9277/maplestoryt201104221551.png]here[/url] (if you can't tell the difference, put them on the same window set in your browser, on different tabs, and flip back and forth.

General Regions

Balloon PQ - Tespia (Video and Song!) EDIT: posted this in the general forum, so I locked this one. (Don't want to break the rules...) I know you've all been waiting for it! Here's one of the most important new things in Tespia. Balloon PQ! View it [url=http://www.youtube.com/user/Fcroaonlk?feature=mhum]here![/url] Other 6th anniversary tespia funnsies are the ability to collect Maple Leaves to turn into silver coins to yield 20% scrolls (+7 attack, but 100% chance of blowing upon failure), chaos scrolls, level 77 maple weapons, maple earrings with 7% hp or mp, 2 new pqs (though balloon pq is the only one available at the moment I'm writing this), and probably more that I'm forgetting. You can also get silver coins by doing quests (I think.

General Regions

The complete Tespia content summary (with video!) First off, I'm a Mapler who (1) likes making vids and (2) likes bringing new content to the fore in a new, [i]lol[/i]istic way. To view my silly video that explains almost all of it, go [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w6QMOs38EJc]here[/url] or [url=http://www.basilmarket.com/show/video/20160/1]here[/url], depending on whether you like basil or youtube videos better.That being said, if you want a more texty description, here it is: EDIT: The shoulder pads do not expire. Thanks to Elitist: [quote=Elitist]According to the Tespia server, the shoulder (Strawberry/Blueberry) decoration does not expire. I got it through a glitch. lol [/quote] there are two main updates in the next patch (Cake V