

Fearless #Chat Talk

General Chat

My first big test is tomorrow-- The SHSAT Anybody in basil taking it? Any tips for me, if you already go to an SHS? What did you score? I am nervous as hell. I've joined SHSI 3 years ago, quit it in the 2nd year, joined prep classes over the summer, and went to prep classes over the weekend. Tomorrow is the day where all the sleepless night's work pays off... If I don't get in... [url=http://files.sharenator.com/FUUUU_RE_FFFFFUUUU_Pizza-s508x387-44250.jpg]crap load of my time would be wasted[/url].

General Chat

Somebody give me some songs Preferably, hip hop genre. None of that lil wayne crap. [url=http://www.youtube.com/user/zaberlessone?feature=mhum#p/f/3/yD8Ou1ylFWw]Song with meanings?[/url] [url=http://www.youtube.com/user/zaberlessone?feature=mhum#p/f/21/Swq9cVaegSs]Songs about world problems?[/url] [url=http://www.youtube.com/user/zaberlessone?feature=mhum#p/u/6/Qwet6yLY6T0]Songs about life?[/url] [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xBtPeC_EQcw]Songs about love?[/url] Thanks in advance.

General Chat

How does heaven work? Correct me if I am wrong, but doesn't the bible claim that as long as you believe in god and that you let Jesus/God in your heart, you will be guaranteed a spot in heaven? Lets say a Christian serial killer got electric chair'ed, but before he got EC'd, he asked for God's forgiveness. Will he be sent to heaven? If he [b]is[/b] sent to heaven, doesn't that mean an evil soul is in heaven? Making heaven imperfect? If God made him a holy goody good boy before sending him to heaven, doesn't that go against the whole point of not making everybody holy on earth in the first place?

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