

Fehnle #Updates Talk

General Updates

New Ui for Gms I didn't see a forum here about it yet and with all the speculation about what parts of ultimate or spark we'll be getting, we can confirm one thing: [url=https://www.sphotos-a.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash4/1003432_10151643849139520_691383353_n.png][/url] [url=https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10151643849139520&set=a.189938369519.124550.126873054519]Post[/url] I like the new skill ui, separated between attacks, passives, and active buffs it seems, as well as being able to assign multiple points Also the stat UI will show things like boss dmg and PDR and you can hide the event quest icons The bottom seems a little cluttered but functional... What do you guys think? EDIT: don't know why links aren't working :3