

FiaW1zard #General Talk


Why maplestory is dead I decided to play this game after a few years of not playing. Ive played since pirates were released so i would say i'm a veteran Here's 4 reasons why i think this game is dead 1:Pay to win My god. i had to spend like 20$ to make the game halfway enjoyable for me. If you dont, you're always broke and there's nothing you can do, unless you have the time to grind and spam that z button, you do barely any damage and after around level 100 or so farming is just one massive pain in the butt. This game has always been known to be pay to win since dual blades were released (even before then, but thats when nexon really made it clear) but its never been this bad. 2: The social aspect of the game is gone This is what made the

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