

Accidently added an extra point in genesis?

Hey Basil,
Well recently i job advanced to a bishop and when I was wondering if its a huge mistake to accidently put an additional point in genesis. I already used my sp reset.
And, should i max out infinity or arcane aim first?
Thank you!

December 16, 2012

6 Comments • Newest first


You ruined your character.

Start again.

Reply January 2, 2013

I'm level 171, and with the Empress set, I have ALL of my
skills maxed (Except MW and one or two low level skills).

One point won't kill you.

Reply January 2, 2013

Doesn't really matter seeing u will eventually have to max everything by 200. An extra point in genesis won't hurt. Anyways one point on genesis, angel ray, and adv bless. Then max buff mastery and ressurect first. Then advanced blessing, hero's will and bahamut. After that, max arcane aim, then infinity, and mw (proving u are funded enough to afford books). Then max angel ray and genesis. Then max big bang.

Reply December 28, 2012

Just hit lvl 160 and you'll be drowning in SP.....

Reply December 17, 2012

it's not a problem lol. it's just 1 point!
and if it's really bothering you, you can just wait a few days for the next free SP reset giveaway
there's always events with those! always...

Reply December 16, 2012

I recommend maxing buff mastery really soon as well.

Reply December 16, 2012