FireCristal #Corsair Talk

General Corsair

Corsair Mapletips thread Hii fellow Corsairs! I think it would be fun and smart to make a Mapletip thread about Corsairs, with small or big tips about the class, that would help beginners or higher levels with playing the Corsair class! Just some small tips or tricks could help a lot sometimes. ;) [b] Attacking [/b] - You can use potions during Rapid Fire, so there is no time loss while attacking. - Tapping the Rapid Fire skill button will allow you to move around while shooting. [b] Traveling [/b] - You can use Dash + Wings + Recoil Shot together to move around faster. [url=]This[/url] video will help explaining how to do that. What else? :)

General Corsair

Back to my Corsair Hii guys, I don't know if anyone know who I am. I played Maple since beta and I'm currently downloading Maple again after like 2 years. I made my Gunslinger when Pirates came out and I played a lot. I have a level 200 Corsair and I want to play it again. I was just wondering if anyone could tell or link me the big changes about Maple and the Corsair class. I tried to read the threads and guides but I can't seem to find a good one. I really didn't play for over 2 years so it's probably very different, so if you want to add me, add GunCrystal, I play in scania. I hope some of my friends still play, i'm exited to log in again! Thanks!