

FlashNW #Nightlord Talk

General Nightlord

Need Gear Advice Hey guys, so I've been away for 2 years and to my sadness, my claw (which was hacked I'm pretty sure) got deleted so I have some random equips to sell so that I can re-gear myself for max damage. Can someone give me some advice on rough price estimates I can sell this stuff for and then what I should buy for max damage to get the most out of my funding? Thanks. 38 att white racc (12% luk) 14% luk branch nose 18% luk czak helm (48 + dex or something) 9% luk 6% allstat CHTP 15% luk HTP Hero of Legend badge Crit ring Evo ring 1, 2, and 3 15% luk pirate top 6 att 18% luk belt 12% luk bottoms with decent HB built in 32 att raven horn gloves 18% luk 12 sets of Furys (I assume I should sell a few of these) Claw went boom, same wit