

Forbeden #General Talk


Go home Nexon, youre drunk LOOL Something wrong with the game right now. I logged on to Ch 1, and it was basically empty, and i went to FM 1. Some crashing issue? Anyways, I changed channels there to Ch 15 and I ended up in FM 13 CH 1. (It was change ch, not change rooms) So i went out to entrance and changed to Ch 15 (Cause it was more populated) Then i went out of the FM and I was at Ardentmill (Still empty). So I re-entered FM (Channel 15) and once I entered, I was in Ch 1. And then I crashed. Long story short, Nexon is drunk.


Nexon was a bit unfair to mechanics Nexon was definitely unfair to mechs with their hyper skills. Many of the classes that received hyper have some really flashy skill and a whole map skill or something that looks cool and unique. But mechanics on the other hand.. Their hyper is only shooting out a boring ball that doesn't even move. I mean, luminous 2nd job skills are probably better than mechs hyper. I know basically no one plays mechs, but no one plays BaM and WH. However, those two classes get cool and flashy skills. Poor mechs, I hope they do a revamp for their hyper.


Something wrong with Maple? I opened game launcher and stuff, and pressed start. Then, the Anhlab Security thing pops up as usual, however, the green bar wouldnt move, as if it is stuck. I decided to wait a few minutes, but it was still stuck. I restarted my computer and stuff, and the same thing happens. Soon, I got kind of irritated, so i went to maplestory's website, but for some reason, it wouldnt load, which seems like the site is down. Every other website is working perfectly. Happening to you? I wonder if it has anything to do with this Hail/Rain storm in Canada atm....

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