

FortMinor #Phantom Talk

General Phantom

Strongest Phantom [header]Strongest Phantoms of Each World[/header] After lurking the Shadower Forum, I seen this [url=]thread[/url] , and wanted one for Phantoms. [header]Submissions Requirements![/header] [b]Required screen shot of range![/b] [b]The top 5 from each server are listed![/b] [b][i]Screenshots[/i][/b] - The reason for this is to actually prove that it is, indeed, your range and provide an accurate and fair ranking for others. Rules: 1. You must provide your clean. 2. All buffs must be visible. [i](If you provide it, I will post your self buffed range as well as your clean range.)[/i] [b][i]Top 5[/i][/b] - I'm only including the top 5 to prevent a massive amount of listings. I check this

General Phantom

About the update tomorrow. "Revamps galore! Several of the Hero, Nova, and Resistance jobs have been revamped (Mercedes, [b]Phantom[/b], Aran, Evan, Kaiser, Angelic Buster, Wild Hunter, Battle Mage, Demon Avenger, and Xenon have had their stats and skills updated). Plus, Hayato and Kanna have just received their Hyper Skills." The skill adjustments mentioned above are the adjustments listed in [url=]this?[/url]