

FortMinor #Tech Talk

General Tech

Would this laptop be good for school amp gaming I need a good computer for school(main priority), but I'd also like to be able to play games on it without any problems. So what do you guys think of this laptop? Sony - VAIO Laptop / Intel® Core™ i3 Processor / 15.5" Display / 4GB Memory / 640GB Hard Drive for $579.99 (I tried to post a link to BestBuy but basil said its inappropriate LOL) Would that be good? I'm also up for suggestions on different laptops. Note: Restrictions are no Mac, or HP. and must be $600 or lower. Edit: its supposed to be "and gaming", I kind of rushed through this.

General Tech

So Ill be buying this laptop soon, Can I get some opinions? Alright so here the deal I'll be buying this laptop computer soon, I'll be using it for school but also to play games too. So that being said what do you guys think ? Is this a good decision? Have you had bad past experience with Toshiba? Can I get some much better cheaper? Would you buy it? This is the Laptop in question (<~ Replace the 0 with an o) This link however has a different price($581.99) from what I'll be paying, I've found the laptop at my local best buy. This is the price I'll be paying ($449.99).

General Tech

So Ill be buying this laptop soon, Can I get some opinions? Alright so here the deal I'll be buying this laptop computer soon, I'll be using it for school but also to play games too. So that being said what do you guys think ? Is this a good decision? Have you had bad past experience with Toshiba? Can I get some much better cheaper? Would you buy it? This is the Laptop in question (<~ Replace the 0 with an o) This link however has a different price($581.99) from what I'll be paying, I've found the laptop at my local best buy. This is the price I'll be paying ($449.99).