

Franespi #Dualblade Talk

General Dualblade

Dual Blade questions Well Atm im lvl 144 with, Max Thorns, Max Dual wield, 10 Blade fury , 10 sharpness, and 1 PB , 0 FC. My eqips are the following: Clean empress glove, hat, cape, boots, all avarage. 3% top n bot 6% earrings 4% belt Abr, evo I lvl 17 , evo III lvl 10 , silent crusade ring Some branch nose and glasses which toghether give about 20 luk 124 Atk dagger, 78-83 (dont rem) atk katara, now my questions are these: What would i need to improve my range? Is empress worth it more then % stuff at my fundings? I hit 30k per pb line, will it get better when i max FC (next thing ill do) Any advices for my dmg?