FreakinJezus #Chat Talk

General Chat

Choosing what to say There are those moments in life that you know what you will say is crucial. These include speeches, oral reports, etc. My friend and I were talking about cutting a cake with a fork and splitting it between people without making a mess. He said it could be done by I said it was impossible. I'm gonna bring him a thick cake with the smallest fork possible and make him cut it in front of other people. What would be the best thing to say when I present him with the cake. I was thinking: Game On or Get r done but I'd love to her your suggestions.

General Chat

I need another excuse. If you guys were following my other thread, the teacher only let's you be late once if you have a good excuse. If your excuse really is that good, then you can be late until you come up with a bad excuse. On my way to class today, I was late and forced to use my only excuse. Now I need another excuse I can use. Remember that the excuse must be truely insane and less then 1/1000th of a perfect of ever happening. An example would be taking a bite into an apple and turning into a worm. From there I had to wiggle my way to the witch doctor at the center of the earth and ask to be turned back. Then she decided to turn me back in exchange for my pet gummy bear. Anything awkward would do.