

FuGeeLa #Video Talk


Watch it in 720p HD! :) A short how to video on soloing Papulatus as an Archer. Although you will still have to take in some of Pap's damage, the Puppet technique saves you time and potions in the long run. Some things to note: 1) When Pap is pinned and Puppet is active, he will never cast 1/1's which makes the run shorter 2) Recasting Puppet depends on the individual, if you like to read the notice at the bottom (like me) then be prepared to take a hit or two, otherwise use your MP as a sign of when to recast Puppet 3) Try keeping Phoenix summoned at all times, it helps kill the mines so you don't get hit as often 4) Assuming your top range is somewhere around 7000, you'll most likely find yourself hardly knocking back Pap with Level 1 Hur


This is a video detailing how to use Iframes with combinations, I assume you have a basic idea of what Iframes are before you watch this video. Over the course of playing my then Marauder (now Buccaneer), I came across several different combinations depending on the situation I was faced with. Charging up your energy can be a bit of a hassle as we attack relatively slow, so I decided to string several combinations together to make it easier for some of you out there (hopefully). CSB and BSB are two moves that contain Iframes, so using them is crucial, no doubt. Things to note: - Don't stress it if you take damage, its all about the learning process, besides you have Drain for a reason - Practice makes perfect, duh - Although I was in Transf