GameAddict209 #Nightlord Talk

General Nightlord

I REALLY need help with my equips. So the title is self - explanatory... but i hadn't played since v.96 Then i come back and it seems like im IMMENSELY weak.. well i need help upgrading and here are my current equips : [ btw i have 1.3bil to upgrade ] Zhelm - 15/15/16/15 [all stats 2%, luk 2%] Broken Glasses 2/1/1/2 D. Pirate Top (+7) Dex 1, Luk 12 [All stats +4,] B. China Pants(+7) Dex +7 Luk +1[Luk +6, All Stats +3] B. Osfa Boots Dex +3, Luk +2, [Dex +10, Dex +5] Silent Crusader Belt(+2) +5 all. R. Seraph Cape(+4) Luk +8 [Luk 3%, Luk +4] MoN Green Mittens 13 att Strawberry Earrings [Luk 3%, Luk +5] Splendid Silent Crusader Shoulders Red Craven(+7) 69 Attack Luk +8 Evolving Ring 17 Evolving Ring II 17 Legendary Crusader Ring Crusdaer's Zea