Gaosaurusx3 #Bishop Talk

General Bishop

1 to the bishop community, Qs LFlt As hey everyone, so if the title didn't make much sense already i've made a cleric, right now it's a priest, hopefully no rollback and i can stay like that. *knock on wood* so if these questions haven't already been answered mind taking some time off your schedule and help this poor lamb. Please :3 1. this question might be extremely dumb, but i haven't exactly played since decemeber, but it's about the evo world. so since heal works on dead and undead type monsters, if we plug in the ghost skin will heal work on them? [url=]:/[/url] 2. with the loss of mp3 for 80-100+ is there a cheap yet do-able place to train?

General Bishop

Angel Ray Skill Book Help Please hey everyone how's it going? I was wondering if anyone from [b]bera[/b] would assist me in getting the angel ray skill book from either zak/czak/hilla. i'm [b]lvl 135[/b] already and training/bossing is starting to get a bit frustrating because i'm just spamming shining ray. i'd like to spam a different damaging skill ;-; i'll [b]pay[/b] you if you want, i'll the the summoning and provide door ( just saying in case you won't be using your bishop or something o3o) i'd like to be able to get it within the week if it's not asking for much. I'd make a listing but the time it takes for it to get on the board takes a while so i thought it'd be faster if i just wait straight to you ladies and gentlemen. :) Thank yo