Gaosaurusx3 #Chat Talk

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Your Urban Dictionary Name Definition pretty much what the title says :P for more than one definition post the one you think makes you lul de m0st - Gabriel (first name) xP He's sexy. He's single. He's completely available... He's ten! Gabriel: "Hey wanna go out?" Girl: "..... how old are you?" For The Lulz! >:D *edit yeah i guess puting a link would be easier lol thanks to the 1st 3 posters xP [url=]Gabriel[/url]

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Obesity Survey Help Please and Thank You. so i have to hand out surveys for my individuals class, minimum of 20, and since i'm at home already i was wondering if anyone from basil would like to help me reach that goal ;o; 1)gender? boy [ ] girl [ ] 2) who do you think is responsible for children's obesity? parents [ ] Relatives [ ] School [ ] Students [ ] 3)do you think children spend too much time: on the computer [ ] in front of the television [ ] outside [ ] 4) do you think children eat: a lot of junk food [ ] a lot of fast foods [ ] a lot of healthy foods [ ] 5) do you think obesity happens to mainly: children 2-5 years old [ ] children 6-10 years old [ ] children 11-13 years old [ ] teens 14-17 years old [ ] 6) do you think that obese

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Homework Assistance Please so our student teacher for religion class gave us this little project to do. it says, "songs on the radio do not only get our heads bopping and feet moving, but many of them send positive messages. in this assignment you are going to [b]find a song[/b] that you think [b]promotes social order, social justice and/or talks about the common good.[/b] you are to [b]write a response[/b] where you [b] analysis the lyrics[/b] and [b] explain how the song is promoting social order, social justice and/or talks about the common good.[/b]" the rest just stats how it should be typed/spaced etc. well the problem is that i don't really listen to music that much and the ones i do listen to are usually ones that are open