

Garchomp #General Talk


I hate beggars I downright hate beggars in MS. They are the most annoying of all players. I have money, and I always give a small sum (like 1m) to beggars, but that doesn't mean it's an automatic friend request. They think I'm their best friend or vice versa! I usually decline, and I guess they write down my name or something, because whenever I get on, they talk to me. They keep begging! "Can you buy this zhelm for me? :D" and stuff like that. I wish they were like street beggars, who don't follow you around after you give them money. Sorry, just had to vent.


Maplers and their culture So apparently now there are 'hipster' and 'mainstream' items. Read in the other thread that ABRs are 'mainstream' and 'unoriginal'. Since when do people wear equips due to it's 'mainstream' and 'hipster' level? This isn't real life... I thought you wore them, and I'm just taking a wild guess here, for the advantageous stats that they provide for you. Crazy huh? I don't know the purpose of this thread, just another angry e-nerd rant. (Yup, I knew you guys were about to say that, so why not beat you to the punch) -end rant- P.S. Hating mainstream is mainstream. You ain't cool baby, this isn't 09'. EDIT: Here's a perfect example, quoted from another basiler, not saying who though. "Overrated ring. Don't own one,