

Gildarts #Warrior Talk

General Warrior

Which glove would help benefit me more? o Hello everyone. I'm struggling between two gloves that I want to buy only one. Stormcaster gloves weapon attack 19, perfect scrolled, 3line epic no str%, nebulite Decent Sharp Eyes. The other glove is Blue Korben weapon attack 15, 3line legendary str9%, minimum damage 15%. I am not sure if Str% and min damage can beat Sharp eyes? the SCG I'm kind of iffy about it since its only 3line epic with no good potentials and I'm not certain I'll risk doing a cube run for better potentials. Please give me insight which is better. I would really appreciate it. Thank you :)

General Warrior

How do you fight Chaos Zakum after a major defeat Greetings my fellow maple warriors. It is hard to accept that me and 3 of my guild members were totally annihilated from Chaos Zakum. This was my greatest disappointment. The Zakum combo (better than my aran combos) seduced all of us then 1/1 twice. I was level 180 aran, level 190 ice lightning mage, level 170 dark knight, and level 170 xenon. I never won against Chaos Zakum. My attk range was 65k, no boss % and pdr stats on equipment. Right now I'm currently level 188 aran. Attack range 140-150k range. Boss ATT 130% hopefully 170% next fund. PDR around 70-80%. I recently funded myself because I was really really mad that me and my guild members were defeated. I feel confident I can solo CZA