

Glinda21 #General Talk


Who else got hacked recently. Just curious, but me and about 10 other people I know ALL got hacked very recently in different ways. I lost all my mesos but my items and Equips were untouched, and my mesos AND items were untouched on my mules. My friend a great deal of his rings and equips but his mesos were untouched. And We both know many other people which similar stories. I have NOT used MTS in the past year basically and I don't buy mesos or anything thats gives away my info. The only thing I did recently was the Maplestory Adventures event thing. So I have kind of a mixed emotion of fear for my safety and hate for nexon right now. I really doubt Nexon will RB or anything useful but I just wanted to see how many people have similar stor


How hard could the Black Mage be? When you think about it... it only took 5 level 200 characters to beat him the first time (at their own expense). So if we ever even get to fight him again he really couldent be that hard since an expedition could have so many more people than 5 :p (EDIT: Forgot about Demon Slayer! so i guess that makes a full party of 6 even though the 5 hero's didint realize what DS did...) Yet i am sure Nexon will give some bad reason that makes him even stronger than he was in his past even though all the heros went back to level 1. How hard do you guys think he will be (saying that if he ever becomes a boss)


If Nexon did not control your mapler against its will I just have been thinking... If your maplers could do ANYTHING they wanted like attacking NPCs and maplers etc... I would probably first defeat all the NPCs that still mock me that they wont fight me because they are so much better then I am when I'm like 100 levels higher than the start quest requirement... Then I'd Have an actually conversation with the job instructors and not just them telling us if we want to be like them. and THEN I would create a giant adventurer party to help fight off all heros,DBs,and Resistance back where they came from. =P So What would YOU do If Nexon did not control your mapler against its will?


Athenas new look? Why is it that Athena looks significantly younger? I wonder if it has to do with the return of the rest of the elves :3 I just asked this to see if anyone else has noticed yet. I realized she managed to move her entire tree into Heneseys main town somehow, then I realized she looked... Different. I just want to see what you guys thing. xD Edit: [url=]Before[/url] [url=]After[/url] She does look alot more like Mercedes now i must say.

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