GlitterPumas #Fashion Talk

General Fashion

Outfit thread [url=]bloop[/url] This is about the only thing I find fun about Maplestory after having played many years.. making outfits and dressing up my characters. I have a crap ton of other outfits but I don't remember them.. which is why I decided to make this thread and start cataloging all of the outfits I make. :( All of these characters are explorers so I normally use an outfit from one character for another. Feel free to posts your outfits too. I plan to update this thread with my outfits as often as I can :) There are no limits of what you can post whether it is an in game outfit or an outfit you made on mapleme that you plan on creating. I just hope there will be a good amount of people who po

General Fashion

Opinions on the ign Mercurated. I want to play a Hayato again (mostly to dress up) which I have at lv 183 but I am not fond of his name. Can I get an opinion on his name? Should I consider making a new hayato with a better ign? The benefits of this particular Hayato however is the fact that it has some nice items on him (the OG Hayato's helmet), is high level which would save me the trouble of having to level up, and has nice royal hair and eyes at the moment. The benefits of making a new Hayato would be to making it on an account that has all of the expensive cash shop items I could possibly want available to be transferred on the next transfer event. Making a new hayato will most likely save me a ton of money in the long run. Thanks :)

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