

Gomrathz #Quests Talk

General Quests

You can APQ without DCing If you want to APQ safe then you have to tell your party to leave party skills off like Haste/MW/Meditation/HS and so on so all skills that stack in your right top corner. I've been testing other party skill like Heal and that didnt make us DC at all so party skills that wont stack in your top right corner are fine i think. We have been getting into the bonus too and no apples too since we didnt have haste! you should have self haste skill now! since then it become usefull once in a PQ xD Well GL trying it out and have fun gathering apples again on a harder way too <3 :) </3 Dead APQ place in Khaini

General Quests

Weird Alien Shoe Upgrade issue So i was yesterday after the Sever maintence finish all my part 2 quests for the OSSS medals, I got my Uwana Cells and Dex Cores i had 21 dex shoes already, then i put the Uwana Cell on it and it said "You cannot use that item on this Equipment" I never got that message before until the server maintence, so i thought they changed it in the maintence so i decide to use them on my overall instead.. So today i was looking down new screenshots and then i seen these shoes: So i see you can upgrade it more then 9x, is there any way that i can keep upgrading it more the shoes? or does anybody else have the same problem that it is patched or changed during last maintence? Hope anybody can help me out :)

General Quests

Glitch in Hob King PQ? Hello all, Yesterday i went for the second time to Hobking PQ with my friend, On thursday last week i've been doing the pq whole evening with friends and i have been leading too all that time. So Yesterday i gone with another random person from ch1 and my friend to the chiefs house to talk with Shamos. First we did it in ch 1 and take taxi to ice valley 2 after it i speak to shamos to start the pq like other times and after i pressed Yes it disappeared.. i didnt read what he said at all. (i thought maybe it is a fault since people signed up that time @ the Chiefs house..) So 2nd try: we gone all back to the house and i told them to CC, so we gone to an emtpy ch like ch 18 and i did the same talking again and after it

General Quests

Starting Mihile quests for nerfed arkarium it is been a long time since i did quests on a KoC, so i forgot what quest i need to start with for being able to enter the nerfed Arkarium map? I know that the quests is glitched for Noble Mind but i just want to help a friend killing Arkarium for his KoC. So what quest line i have to do on the Mihile for being able to enter the map? or is it also possible to hyper rock to my friend or something? -thinks its a lot of quest to get in there- :O a link or name from quest the quests you start with would be great! :D <3