GreatRomantic #Chat Talk

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Homosexuality a choice? I've been assigned a topic for my speech class - "Homosexuality a choice?", and I have to defend my side on how it is NOT a choice. So far I can only come up with one thing to defend my argument, which is the "neurobiology" of homosexuals (People are gay because [...] their brains are different than heterosexuals...blablabla). I'm quite stuck right now, so if any of you have ideas or suggestions or event valid points to defend my side, I'd appreciate it. Note: Please I really don't want a flame war. This is the last and MOST important speech in my class and I would really appreciate that you guys would handle this topic with respect and seriousness. Thank you.

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How do you approach another guy? How exactly do I approach a guy? I'm a guy, too, btw. Would it be REALLY awkward/weird if I just go up to him and ask "Hey, do you like me? I see you sometimes taking quick glances at me"? <----he does and when we have a "moment" he smiles at me? Is it just being polite/nice or maybe it's a sign? The thing is, I don't even know him. I don't know if he's even gay or if he's even somewhat interested in me. He seems straight [goddammit why are all the good ones straight?] But he's really cute, and I have the hugest crush on him. It would be a shame and the biggest regret if I find myself embarrassing myself for no reason only to find out that he's indeed straight [GODDAMMIT!]...

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The Party Game The Party Game The party game is set up with three players: player A (a man), player B (a woman), and player C (an interrogator). Each player has his or her own objective. C's objective is to identify the correct genders of A and B, A's objective is to trick C into guessing incorrectly and B's objective is to help C successfully determine both her and player A's gender. The game is set up with both A and B in their own separate room, while C is in a room next door. It's highly recommended that the game be played via teleprinters; an alternative would be having an intermediary tell C player A and player B's responses. This is to eliminate any possible gender-identifying factors, such as tones and sounds of voice, styles of han

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Are straight parents better than gay parents? Is a heterosexual couple better with parenting than a homosexual couple? If so, then wouldn't opposing gay marriage for that simple matter be a reason for the opposition and the anti-support of gay marriage ---> I.E. discrimination & classification of gay parents as inferior to straight parents? And if the growth of a child under a straight household or gay household is not affected by a certain type of household, then why do anti-gay marriage advocates always argue, "it's traditional way of marriage, it's fundamental to society, a straight household is necessary for raising children...etc" if gay couples can do just a good a job of parenting as a "traditional" couple?

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