

Green4EVER #Firepoisonarchmage Talk

General Firepoisonarchmage

Megiddo Flame healing? Sometimes when I'm bossing, Megiddo Flame will often start healing the boss in place of doing its normal DoT. Usually it only happens on things like Chaos Vellum, Chaos Queen, and once in a while at Gollux, but whenever it does it's extremely irritating because it heals the boss up to full HP even if I'm attacking, which means it's healing billions of HP a second, which is just absurd. I'm not sure if the amount it heals is reliant on your range but the fact that it's healing billions of HP a second makes me think it isn't (the amount that's shown visually is, but the amount it heals by clearly isn't, at least). I made a thread on southperry about this issue a while back when I was first starting to do Chaos Vellum ru

General Firepoisonarchmage

At what point would Paralyze outdamage Fh and Me? I know this isn't very realistic, but I've noticed that there's a little bit of a delay when spamming FH + ME so that leads me to believe that pure Paralyze spam could outdamage it at some point, but what would that point be? Or is it even possible at all? I'll leave this to you mathematicians out there, since I've never been very good at this sort of thing. You can assume my attack speed is at the normal speed cap (Magic Booster, Decent Speed Infusion, and Extreme Green Potion).

General Firepoisonarchmage

At what point would Paralyze outdamage Fh and Me? I know this isn't very realistic, but I've noticed that there's a little bit of a delay when spamming FH + ME so that leads me to believe that pure Paralyze spam could outdamage it at some point, but what would that point be? Or is it even possible at all? I'll leave this to you mathematicians out there, since I've never been very good at this sort of thing. You can assume my attack speed is at the normal speed cap (Magic Booster, Decent Speed Infusion, and Extreme Green Potion).

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