

GregOsp #Chat Talk

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Spanish college education rep Dear basilers, i need your advice desesperately; Im on the time to make decisions for where to go to college. I live in Colombia and we have the #7 university in Latin America called Los Andes, it is very demanding academically. On the other hand i have the opportunity to go to Spain to the University of Barcelona, far above Los Andes in Rankings and the best in Spain, but it is not as demanding academically. Would you prefer to go and study in Barcelona the undergrad? Or go to the more academically demanding college here in Colombia? I am planning on studying Computer Science, or informatic engineer. Furthermore, what is your overall idea of what place has the best credentials?

General Chat

I Dont Believe in Global Warming I don't believe in global warming, i think the earth is passing by a trance that has been repeating its self loads of times on the planet history. Everything in the planet has come and went like: Dinosaurs, Ice age creatures, etc. We humans are next and the effect that were making on the earth by "Global Warming" is just accelerating the process of extreme weather changing on the planet that will just cause the earth to heat again then get cold and then form new types of living creatures on earth. Discuss.