

Gregorius #Site Talk

General Site

The Strangest Thing Alright, I want to ask you--the BasilMarket community--one simple question and ([i]assuming this is actually seen by anyone[/i] ) I will leave you on your merry way: "[b]How many of you have been having trouble, or been completely unable to log in through Google Chrome ([i]or your most often used browser[/i] )?[/b]" Long story short, ever since the December 4th site maintenance, something between BasilMarket and Google Chrome has been acting screwy for me; I couldn't log in under any means and couldn't receive re-validation e-mails and am just now talking to you after a friendly tip from one of the people behind BasilMarket's contact team to try a different browser. That's it, that's all I want to ask... well,

General Site

The Strangest Thing Alright, I want to ask you--the BasilMarket community--one simple question and ([i]assuming this is actually seen by anyone[/i] ) I will leave you on your merry way: "[b]How many of you have been having trouble, or been completely unable to log in through Google Chrome ([i]or your most often used browser[/i] )?[/b]" Long story short, ever since the December 4th site maintenance, something between BasilMarket and Google Chrome has been acting screwy for me; I couldn't log in under any means and couldn't receive re-validation e-mails and am just now talking to you after a friendly tip from one of the people behind BasilMarket's contact team to try a different browser. That's it, that's all I want to ask... well,