

Gunhearts #Fashion Talk

General Fashion

Too much, or too little? New Nx look Since permanent nx came out, I've been trying to come up with a look that'll save me money while looking nice and cute at the same time. I've boiled it down to two choices [url=]found here.[/url] The second one will use a spring blossoms in the indominant hand, but I couldn't make BS switch hands for it. I'd really like to implement the alchemist cape, but I'm worried it may add clutter to my look; as for the weapon, I may interchange Orchid's Bunny and Spring Blossoms, so that can be ignored if needed. What do you guys think of them; if I can improve, what should I add/remove/change?

General Fashion

The Art of Crossdressing and Traps Recently, I've seen people who've started to dress like the opposite gender, both male and female. This thread is dedicated to perfecting those styles one by one! The purpose is to know the do's and don't's of what to wear. If garnered with enough attention, I'll probably turn the TS post into an official guide! [b]Some prime examples from a few basilers~[/b] [url=]Her execution of Exotica hair.[/url] [url=]Her unwittingly good attempts from girly guys to guyish girls.[/url] [url=]Her cold female exterior-pulloff (#2)[/url