

How much GB/MB does Maple use?

Well today I just found out that my brother and I exceeded our internet usage which is 60GB.
I plan on playing Maple tomorrow for the 2x event which is two hours.
So... I'm wondering how much MB or GB I will be using to run Maple tomorrow.
Thanks in advanced !

December 25, 2010

4 Comments • Newest first


[quote=iElite]You use 60gb? on what?[/quote]
[url=]I am currently redownloading maple right now.[/url]

Reply December 25, 2010

You use 60gb? on what?

Reply December 25, 2010

1199.99 MB. o-o

Reply December 25, 2010

Maplestory uses a fairly small amount of bandwidth when you play it. Nowhere near what you'd rack up downloading videos, watching YouTube or torrenting files.

It's impossible to guess exactly how much you'd use during 2 hours of play, but I wouldn't worry about it. It should only be a few MB of data total.

Reply December 25, 2010