

How to do a backflip?

Now, I already know how to do the physical part of a backflip. I think my body is able to do it, but Im just scared. I just can't do it. I go to do it, and the second I jump in the air and Im about to begin to revolving, I get scared, and I basically just land back on my feet.

I think it's a fear thing, but Im just nervous. I don't have the mental strength to do it yet; I can never do the backflip because of this. I've even watched Shia LaBeouf's "Just Do It" inspirational video, and even I couldn't do it then.

That video helps me with almost anything, exams, asking girls out, etc. How do I get the mental strength to commit to my backflip?

July 12, 2015

7 Comments • Newest first


Tfw> no leg day

Reply July 13, 2015

Practice in water, then on a trampoline.

Reply July 12, 2015

Front flips are actually harder imo. The most important part is to use the momentum and sticking the landing. I seriously think you can do it if you are active. Alotta the time people actually spin to much and perform a double/triple backflip. I have done it a few times on my bed. Keep yur legs your knees together and tuck your knees.

Reply July 12, 2015

Do handstands and bridge>bride walkovers>back handspring>standing back.
Or just do it man , it doesn't hurt if you land on your back...

Reply July 12, 2015

Practice doing hand stands first.

Reply July 12, 2015

Put a razor-sharp fan next your your genitals so that if you don't actually do the backflip, you will lose your most desired body part.

Reply July 12, 2015