

Hermes #Shade Talk

General Shade

Why would anyone like Wildstar? I played the game to level 38 and then just nope'd the freak outta there. I just can't understand how people can mindlessly do mind numbing quests in a stupid, cartoony world with invisible walls and restrictions everywhere. It is basically a space age WoW. The dungeons are also extremely boring and just like WoW, you have to waste away your life sitting there having no fun grinding dungeons over and over and over and over and over and over and over and overrrrrrr. It uses the same "holy grail" of classes meaning it has tank, dps, and healer roles... it's 2014.... like really? I thought that stuff died out after GW2 innovated MMOs. The whole telegraph system is pointless considering the only time it

General Shade

Why do people bother trying to debate when they cant? It always amazes me how people try to debate with me (or anybody) when they can't tell me why they think a certain way or why X is better than Y. Like what's the point of debating if you can't even come up with a legitimate reason why you are right? After I meet someone who is like this, it usually ends up with me disproving any of their claims and then them saying "omg dood ur so mad just clam down omg bro" and completely ignoring the fact that they were wrong and are too pathetic to own up to their mistakes and failures. I suppose it's my fault for trying to argue on the internet :/