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Why did this get rejected? At first I took my time and made a fun test for basil. This video got quite a few likes(14, but that ok for basil.) I made the video myself and it took a good amount of time. That video can be found here:http://www.basilmarket.com/show/video/19126/0/Maplestory_in_real_life.html I then saw that people liked the video so I made another one, involving thunder breakers. It took me longer than the first one (about 4 hours in all, andfor some reason it got rejected. I'm not sure why. It took me forever to make it and now I'm really sad. I'm not sure if I will ever post or come to basil again. Discuss. The video can be found here:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bUsCdQ2DhtI&feature=channel_video_title