

Higguz #General Talk


Price check and need of help So I started playing again after a break and from a little bossing I managed to come across a few items that I have no clue how much theyre worth. An approximate price check would be nice since all my old friends dont play and I dont have a guild to ask. I have a Golden Hammer 50% An Aquatic Letter Eye Accessory epic 3line 6%dex Maple Saint Suit Utgard Dagger and Shining Stick some Pensalir Armour and cube fragments Also any tips on how to make money would be appreciated. I have been told to farm Gollux but ive heard thats more of a grind to make money while i was also hoping for a quicker approach if possible. I know i can solo CZak and normal HT if that helps at all, thanks everyone :)

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