

HitThings #Darkknight Talk

General Darkknight

Issue With Final Pact Proc Hello Dark Knights! :) Recently (2~3 weeks ago) I've run into a strange issue with Final Pact's resurrection proc. I'll have it ready for proc (IE, no Hourglass above my head), but find myself still dying to a 1HKO attack. I've observed this usually happens after at least 1 successful Final Pact proc. So for instance, the first Final Pact will activate as prompted, but the 2nd will not--resulting in death. This usually happens during Arkarium's 1HKO screen crack or Gollux's fist attack. It is worth mentioning that I have a Hyper Skill point on the Final Pact - Cooldown Cutter passive, but until 2~3 weeks ago it hasn't affected me in a negative way. So, I was just wondering if any of you DrKs have experienced this