

HitThings #General Talk


Crimson Queen Soul Breaks Attack Speed Cap I recently got one of those new Root Abyss souls to play with and the Crimson Queen one immediately caught my eye. [url=http://i.imgur.com/bg3zIOz.png]Here's the skill description, taken directly from the game.[/url] As stated, it will provide [b]one[/b] of the buffs from the list of: -Attack Speed Increase -Attack/Magic Attack Increase -"MHP/DEF" (Max HP and defense?) Additionally, it states that it will provide another buff based on the Queen's "mood." Though, I believe this to be a grammatical issue in the way the skill description is worded. However, after playing with the soul for about an hour [b]I've noticed certain unexpected outcomes from the buff skill.[/b] [url=http:/


Hacked Compensation Package So yeah, as of yesterday, my account has been stripped clean of all valuable items. Now, I'm not writing a sob story or asking for your sympathy or anything, I just want to get some information. I sent a ticket to Nexon with the full details of the whole ordeal and I was wondering Do they still send out the epic Reverse/Timeless compensation package for hacked 120+ characters? Thanks, your help is greatly appreciated :) The amount of time it takes for them to send a package is not a factor to me. I just want to know if this offer was a permanent addition. Thank you for all your responses :D


Hacked Compensation Package So yeah, as of yesterday, my account has been stripped clean of all valuable items. Now, I'm not writing a sob story or asking for your sympathy or anything, I just want to get some information. I sent a ticket to Nexon with the full details of the whole ordeal and I was wondering Do they still send out the epic Reverse/Timeless compensation package for hacked 120+ characters? Thanks, your help is greatly appreciated :) The amount of time it takes for them to send a package is not a factor to me. I just want to know if this offer was a permanent addition. Thank you for all your responses :D


Thoughts on Commerci Trade Voyage Warning: Much of this thread is speculation on unconfirmed claims/unexplored content So I just maxed out my Energy on the new Trade Voyages in Commerci, and I gotta say, there's a ton of potential here. However, I'm not too fond of that daily energy limit. Moving from the initial destination to the next costs almost all of your runs. The energy cost and amount of runs to proceed to the next trade voyage increases as you go on. Just getting to the Lith Harbor destination can potentially take weeks. I like the idea, but the energy system seems poorly implemented. Left craving more voyages, I ran into the energy limit wall. Content with entry limits quickly become daily chores (20 Azwan runs before circulator


Last minute Castellan Emperor Toad With the permanent (and severe to say the least) nerf of Castellan, one of the few fun high-level bosses to fight is gone. Did you manage to kill any Castellan before the patch? I've been hunting him every day all week, but no dice. His spawn time was always a pain in the ass.. Castellan was my favorite boss, however, I'm shamed to say I never got the chance to fight the 14k damage original version. Let's reminisce on all the good times clearing the JQ, finding (or never finding) any Elemental Staffs, and your typical killing times. On my Bandit and Hero combined, I've accumulated 30 ECT drops from both bosses and 4 E-Staffs


Commerci Purpose of Vessel Upgrade Okay so we're about 3 weeks into the Trade Voyage system and by now a lot of us already reached Lith Harbor, the final trade destination. My vessel, the initial Cargo Skiff is not even halfway into Level 7. Is there really any viable reason they made the upgrade tree so incredibly tedious? Unless Nexon adds future trade destinations, getting that last vessel upgrade.. won't really result in anything other than bragging rights and a 3rd Lith Harbor voyage once you reach the final vessel upgrade. Thoughts?


Help with Tynerum questline/Shadow Veil Forest So I've run into a bit of an issue. After making my way through the Labyrinth, and completing all the elimination quests, [url=http://imgur.com/a/yMaxN]this quest bubble popped up.[/url] The last quest I completed was eliminating the 50 Nightshadows When I click it, that window comes up and when I click okay, it disappears. It doesn't prompt any quest or whatever. So I looked at my quest window and found a Tynerum quest. I combed through the entire labyrinth and forest but no NPC offered the quest. Am I actually retarded or is this a glitch? Help pls :3 Things I've tried thus far: -Restart my client (Bubble still appears over my head) -Go through every map of the location -Interact with every N

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