

HolyJunker #Chat Talk

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Star Wars: Clone Wars Does anyone know where I could watch this series online? I'm not looking for "Star Wars: The Clone Wars", what I'm trying to find is "Star Wars: Clone Wars". It was a series Cartoon Network made [url=http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Star_Wars:_Clone_Wars]back in 2003.[/url] All I can find when I try to Google it is places to watch "Star Wars: The Clone Wars", which once again, isn't what I'm looking for. A link would be appreciated.

General Chat

Lil Wayne is actually pretty decent Or at the very least he's better than Eminem. I've never really been into either but after intensely listening to both artists for the past few weeks, I gotta say, Lil Wayne is a much better artist. His lyrics are much better and his metaphors are really clever. Eminem is just aggressive when he raps, and he only raps about his problems. On top of that, Eminem's just too soft. At least Wayne's been to jail. And Lil Wayne isn't afraid to change it up either, aside from being a good rapper he can actually sing and play guitar pretty well too. I dare anyone to try and disprove me

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