
Continue my Hermit or no?

Well, after being hacked, I made a Fighter. But, I remembered I have an 80 Hermit on another account.

So here's what I'm wondering.

Would 7k NX be enough to get things I need to start back up my Hermit? He's completely stripped, except for a Targa helm.
Is 11x base DEX too high? . (If so, I wouldn't mind using the 7k NX to make an entirely NEW Hermit.)
At 80, where should I train? What would the %/hr be like?
How many Steelys would I need if I'm JUST going to be using Steelys for now?
How bad does not having a WG effect Assassins/Hermits?

December 23, 2010

2 Comments • Newest first


I guess I'll restart a Hermit. xP

So, BASE DEX = level? I can get a MoN for 110. And I'd have a Deputy Star till then as well. ;x

Reply December 23, 2010

Would an 8 ATK WG be decent enough for a while? x_x.

Reply December 23, 2010