

Question about Dex for Warriors?

Okay so i was reading a guide and said that ever since the BB, accuracy does not depend on DEX anymore, but your level and the monsters level therefore; we should not be adding dex, it is best for all warriors to go dexless.

Is this really the case? What about all the warriors prior to the BB? we never got AP resets? Can somebody help me clear this up? o-o
Is it best for all new warriors to be dexless?

December 30, 2010

1 Comment • Newest first


I have 70 base dex and my damage isn't the best but it's fine in my standards. And yeah because of the new equips that MIGHT need DEX, I won't panic as much. Just try to keep the lowest DEX possible for now since it's easier to add than to remove.

Reply December 30, 2010