

Hydroxide #General Talk


Which class to main Hi everyone, lately I've been having trouble deciding which class to main. I have some %str gear to share between Pirates and Warriors but I'm not sure who to main. I'm mainly looking for good damage with a decent amount of funding. The three classes I'm deciding on are Demon Slayer, Kaiser, Shade, and maybe Thunder Breaker/Bucc. Let's say for example i have 3b to fund each of these classes, which would be the best for bossing with the odd training session at stronghold? If there's any other class anyone recommends please let me know! Thanks a bunch!


Regarding hyper skill update Okay so I just checked out the hyper skill update, and even though we're getting all these nice stats, it says they're removing passive for skills. Wouldn't this mean that were basically losing a line of damage for our main skills? My main being a Night Lord, this seems like more of a hit than a gain tbh. If anyone can confirm this is actually a buff would be appreciated x_x I don't know how to math properly, so sorry if this thread sounds stupid D: thanks! Edit: problem solved I can't read. I also don't know how to lock a thread on mobile so if a mod could lock this thread it would be greatly appeciated <3