

Pc on some thief items pls

pirate top = 3L epic, 3%luk, 3%all, 1 slot
osfa pants = 3L epic , 3%luk, 3%all ,clean

sharp green belt = 3L epic , 4%luk, 2%all ,clean
blue sneakers = 3L epic , 4%luk , 2%all ,clean
gold cleaves = 10w.a 3L epic, 4%luk
rose earrings = 3L epic, 9%luk, 3%str, clean
dep star =2L epic, 4%luk, 2%all, clean
green giles = 3L epic ,6%luk, 3%dex, clean
osfa suit = 3L epic, 3%all, 10+luk
osfa pants = 3L epic, 6%str, 3%luk, 10+luk

i need p/c on mainly the top 2 cause im buying from a guildy, and the others below i already have

April 19, 2012

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