

ICantKs #Chat Talk

General Chat

so how competitive is U of T? After thoroughly reviewing my final report card I admit, I didn't do the greatest I could have done, but I did better than I thought I did. :) I've also come to the realization that I hate where I live right now. I hate the entire environment here, the fact that if you're poor you're poor; there is no middle class. Yeah I'm hurt that I'm poor, and yeah I've sucked it up. I also dislike my relatives here.. they're all high school drop outs(if not college drop outs) with hassling children that even THEY can't control and as a matter of fact they add to my entire hatred of this place. Not my family though. They love it here. They love the weather, they love how it doesn't snow here, how the temperature isnt too ho

General Chat

I kinda wish I tried harder. Throughout high school. Not cause I'd get into prestigious schools or anything, but I feel like I should've [i]learned[/i] something by now. Through out my entire high school I slacked off and [i]settled[/i] for grades and not [i]reached[/i] for them. I just reviewed my report cards and in grade 9 I settled for an average of 60, then in grade 10 I settled for an average of 63, followed by an average of 65 and then end of grade 12 I had the average of 68. I began picking up my slack in the last four months of high school, yeah, why pick up the slack at the last minute if you didnt care about it all along, right? I feel that if I actually tried I would've actually known more about my future craft, the craft that I

General Chat

Infested with fleas. Help! I am alone on this trek. My family have admitted that they are not dedicated and will not persevere countless hours to getting rid of these fleas so I am stepping forward and will fight these fleas by myself. What do you guys recommend to kill adult fleas and flea eggs with? I have three dogs; all infested with them. The fleas have gotten into our bedsheets and I believe our entire house has the fleas. My father says we will be moving out of this house soon and so he will not allow me to fumigate the house. I know I will get the flea comb this weekend but is there any specific tool that I can use to kill the eggs and adults with? What do you recommend? Thank you.

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