

ILikeAnime #Chat Talk

General Chat

Finding hair in your food Lots of people seems to go apesht when they find hair in their food. Like you know, they look like they're about to puke. When I find hair in my food I'm just like "uurgh, this hair shouldn't be on my food but what the hell". So I just take it out and continue eating because as long as I don't get sick, right? Finding hair in your food isn't nice, but I never understood how people can be so overdramatic about it. Mostly those hypocrites that go crazy about finding hair in their junk food. The fact that you find hair in this unhealthy piece of junk won't make your Bigmac any worse, so the hell are you worried about your health?

General Chat

Your last school trip Who doesn't like school trips, so let's talk about it! - Where did you go at your last school trip - How long has it been - How was the (bus) ride - What was the programme - What else did you do that day - Anything else special happend - How was the way back home Me: - The European parliament in Brussel. - 2 years ago during my second year in college. - My class and another class were stuffed in a double dekker bus. I was in the lower part relaxing and enjoying the view. From what I've heard the other class where quite noisy and annoying during the ride. My innocent christian classmate even got hit by a flying clementine. - A guided tour through the parliament and some presentations. - During the break my crush and an

General Chat

Ignore or approach? Yesterday I was riding my bike when I came across a group. One of them called something to me without any reason, probably to act cool towards his friends. I turned back, and asked what his freakin problem was. After playing like a dumb fudge like he knows nothing and getting into a heated argument, I gave him a (big) push. Things went more agressive with lots of screaming and his buddy backing him up. He kept screaming that he was the boss of this neighborhood, and that with one call I would end up in the back of car... They even said that I'm the one looking for a fight after that push, even though he started by insulting me. To keep it short, I rode off on my bike without any further escalations (for now). Getting int

General Chat

Are you good with giving presentations? Well, I'm taking presentation classes because it's a very important skill that I have to master when I want to be a succesfull later. Yesterday was my first class. It didn't go so well but I've learned alot. I need to be relax and feel at ease when talking infront of everyone, but it's extremely difficult for me. So share your experience with doing presentations. For school, your job, whatever. And also, do you make use of hand signs when talking / giving presentations?

General Chat

Should I quit my job? I've been working at a fast food restaurant for years now and I hated it from the moment I started. I'm seriously the only employee together with my boss because all my coworkers left. That means I'm working my ass off. Preparing the food, helping customers, fixing the problems that my boss is making etc. Sometimes my boss just leaves me to do all the work while he is on his iphone. He's also lazy to hire new people. I'm a hard working, friendly and a physically fit guy, but everyday I come home exhausted with my ass in sweat and my head full with stress. I am so embarrassed with this job. Some people/customers make fun of me and some even treat me as a idiot without an education because I'm doing some awful work and m

General Chat

Little brother being bullied My little brother (10 years old) is being bullied for a while by some of his classmates and even random kids. They call him at names and such, thus making him scarred and feel uncomfortable when in public. He never goes outside to play, but stays home playing videogames all day long. Normally he's a happy kid who laugh alot, but gets very introvert and uncomfortable when he's around other kids e.g. at school, scarred that they might pick on him. He doesn't really have any friends as well. I feel bad for him. Anyone has some advice to help my little brother to deal with his situation? Edit: I'm not gonna beat up 10 year old brats :|

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